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Search for Fintech

Financial Institution search for Fintech

Updated over 10 months ago


When you land on the search page all Products are listed and sorted by their Finbridge Assessment Score (high to low). There will be 10 Products per page.

Type a keyword into the search box and click search. This will return all Products that contain the keyword in their title, features or description.

Filtering and Sorting

You can Filter your results by the Finbridge Assessment Score or by the Category the Product is assigned to.

You can combine the filters e.g. select RegTech as the Category and then adjust the Assessment Quality Score to 75 to return Products created by FinTech’s who have a Quality Score of 75 or more and a Product in the RegTech Category.

You can also combine Filters with a keyword search e.g. select the Category Banking and then search for the keyword payments within that category.

Hit the reset button to clear your current filters.


You can compare up to 5 FinTech Products in a side-by-side view to quickly ascertain which Products have the key features you need and which FinTech’s have the maturity you require.

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